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You need a digital drum sound? you should try drumatic 3 created by e-phonic. Drumatic3 is a virtual-analogue drum synthesizer. All sounds are 100% synthetic and allow an enormous flexibility and variation.

To complement the work of arrangement and composition of music you might need the blows that are techno. Then you will be much helped by the virtual instrument of this one, because Basically, this drum machine delivers, folks. You'll find That Snappy snare, that kick too deep Pounding 808. Infact, you can pretty much every single Manipulate drumsound to fit your taste.

Sounds: Bassdrum, Snaredrum, Handclap, 2 Toms, Hihats and a Rimshot / Bell

Key features:
• Graphical envelopes for amplitude and modulation
• Load / save presets for single sounds
• Simple but effective effect section for each sound with distortion and bitcrusher and a filter.
• 6 Stereo outputs, assignable for each sound.
• All parameters can be automated (midi-CC not yet supported)

Download Drumatic

You are welcome to download and use Drumatic. Please give them any suggestions you may have for new features and improvements.